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Administration Office

The office of the INSPIRE platform is located directly at the University Medical Center Mannheim. Due to this close physical proximity to the clinical facilities of the University Medical Center Mannheim and in particular to the INSPIRE Living Lab, uncomplicated access of medical technology companies to clinical experts of various disciplines is guaranteed.

The tasks of the INSPIRE Platform administration office include:

  • Initial response to customer inquiries and assignment to suitable INSPIRE core partner
  • Administration and documentation tasks of platform activities
  • Organization of regular jour fixe with core partners
  • National and international visibility of the INSPIRE platform and core partners
  • Marketing and communication measures for the active acquisition of platform users
  • Support for applications for BMBF funding in the field of medical technology
  • Assistance with ethics applications and usability tests.

The goal is always to enable and accelerate the cooperative development and testing of new digital health products and newly developed medical devices by systematically matching startups with large corporations, healthcare providers, research institutions, and experts on the basis of concrete entrepreneurial product development projects.
